Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I’ve glance the impenetrable beauty
I’ve tasted the serendipity!
Oh, how much I want them to know!
Oh, how I desire for them to see!

Dear Father, sweet Abba
Pour out Your latter rain on them.
Pour out Your unchanging grace
Let it fall afresh on them all!

Dear Father, Providential Care
Show them how You suffer
Show them how You love!
Manifest to them all Your boundless joy!

Oh unsearchable Depth, call out to those who bare the marred image
of your subsistent Being. Make rich the melody of their inner soul;
draw them to Your soft heart, of which is pierced because of their
rebellion against Your Love

“It is not My desire that none shall perish…”

Tears, tears and more tears! Sweet secret drops that are shed for
those who swear unto Your Holy and Precious Name oh Lord! They
take that which is most precious and able to save their souls and use
it in conjunction with profanity unspeakable! Speak they do, but
hearts so cold and dead they don’t know the harm they do!

So cold and dead are the hearts of the sons and daughters of Adam.

Can I cry anymore? Can I cry anymore? Can I feel while my feelings
have been made numb by their pain? Can I?

I can, and I will. May all praises, glory, and honor be given to the One
who sustains the hearts of those who hate Him; for who alone bore
the transgressions of the world?

Who but He emptied His veins out?


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